Thursday, September 30, 2010

Finally our new home... (sadly this picture is NOT our home)

Before we were married, before we were even engaged, we bought a little house together, a symbol of commitment. Bricks and mortar the solid foundation to our relationship. We agonised over it, we bartered and haggled to get it for a good price, we got in there and cleaned the grime off the walls and floors. We got our baby looking good and then we rented her out... for eighteen months! The pain of letting strangers take possession of our little nest overwhelmed me, I wanted to be in there. I used to take a detour home once a week. I would bring the car to a crawl and peer in at the front room to imagine myself in my home. Surprisingly, I was never charged with stalking!

Now the time has come, our tenants move out today and we take possession once again of our home. I have been mentally decorating and furnishing that house for the best part of two years, now the time has come to put it all together and I'm starting to panic. What if my "modern classic" image doesn't come together, what if I actually have no styling ability and it just looks like a try hard attempt. What if, what if, what if.....

Breathe, I have put a little pressure on myself because I really want to get it right. I want to surround us with beauty and comfort that tells our story (within the budget we can afford). A tall orderI think!

So stay tuned as I bring updates of the transformation to this blog. Painting, floor coverings and light fittings to start next week. Pictures of our actual house to follow!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day Birger et Mikkelsen

I'm loving this right now!

Ugbrooke Country Estate Marlborough NZ

I have been meaning to write this entry for a bout 10 weeks now... very slack I know. This is the gorgeous place Adam and I stayed while honeymooning in New Zealand in June.
Winter in the Marlborough region is pretty quiet. The grape vines are dormant and the rain sets in. However, we were fortunate enough to enjoy some sunshine and I personally found the russet hues of the vines simply stunning.

I would, however, love to go back when they are so pregnant with fruit it's delicious!

Our hosts at Ugbrook, Alex and Peter were fabulous. We enjoyed wonderful hospitality and due to it being the low season, we really were in our own peaceful country retreat. Perfect for a honeymoon.

So a big thank you to Alex and Peter and also to Stef the Chef who kept us so well fed we didn't want to leave. We hope to see you again some time.